Monday 8 February 2010

Horror Movies: AOB 2 structure (Synopsis for Psycho)


Marion Crane is in bed at lunchtime, with her out of town lover Sam, they have a disagreement, because Marion wants to marry Sam, but this cannot happen comfortably because they do not have enough money to support each other, so we see sam leave to go back to his town, and we are left uncertain as to whats going on between the two lovers.

Marion then returns to her job, where she works, in a real estate office, we see Marions boss coming out of his office, after successfully selling a house to a client (Cassidy) leaving $40,000, to be put in the safe deposit box at the bank by Marion.
We see Marion suddenly fake a headache, and ask for the rest of the day off, after she has gone to the bank with the money.
But Marion doesn't go to the bank, she decides to pack a suitcase, take the money for herself and start driving out of town.

During the time Marion gets out of town, many problems occur, which could give Marion away, A highway patrol man, stops to investigate the car she was sleeping in, startled and nervous, the Patrolman decides to look at her driving licence and allows her to carry on with her drive, but just so he is sure, he follows her for a short while, which rises Marions nervousness.

Marion then decides to call it a night, and stops by at a motel, being run by a man called Norman Bates, the motel is in a very secluded spot which makes Marion unsure, but she honks her horn and then he comes out to speak to her.
Still nervous about being tracked by the police, Marion registers under a false name "Marie Samuels."
Norman goes back to his house where his mother and he lives, and we hear them arguing about Marion.
Marion decides to have a shower, and we see a shadow in the shower curtain, and we instantly realise that Norman Bates Mother has stabbed Marion.
Norman then gets rid the body and Marion's possessions to hide that she was ever a guest at the motel.

Many people are worried that Marion has gone missing, so Marions sister decides to phone Sam, Marions Lover, and he hasn't seen her.
Also, a private investigator is hired to go to many areas, in order to find her, and it leads back to the motel, the Investigator understands that Marion has entered a false name in the book, and recognises her writing, this then leads to the investigator to be killed by Norman Bates' Mother also.

After the horrible news about another murder happening at the Motel, Marions sister and Lover, decide that the only way anything is going to get solved is they go and check the Motel out for themselves.

As Marions sister goes into the house and checks for Norman Bates Mother, we realise that she has been dead for a very long time, and infact its Norman, dressed as his mother, committing the crimes, Marions sister becomes close to death, but Sam decides to save her.

We then find out that Norman Bates was mentally ill and that his mother had gotten into his head, and was controlling him, even though she was dead...We then see him, in a room by himself, crying.

Narrative Elements

Characters: Marion Crane, Sam Loomis, Lila Crane, A private investigator, Norman Bates and Finally Normans Mother.

Conflict: Who’s doing the murders? Norman, or somebody else?

Setting: Secluded Motel.

Themes: Guilt, Isolation, Control.

Rising Action: after another murder has happened, this rises the tension, making the audience concerned about whos doing the killings, and if Sam and Lila will make it out alive.

Climax: the climax is when we realise that Norman Bates' Mother is actually dead, and she isn't committing the Murders.

Resolution: We realise that Norman bates was mentally ill.

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