Sunday 19 April 2009

AOB 5 - Distribution

Podcast Episode no. 1
‘Ownership and Distribution of feature films’


Hello and Welcome to my first ever Podcast for media nationals.


(Jingle) This Is a Podcast on Distribution of feature films for units 2 & 3 of the level 3 nationals in Media Studies, I know this is a really exciting subject and you are probably on the edge of your chair, eager to listen so I best carry on! Some of the parts are more boring than others, but it wont be time wasted!


So what exactly is distribution and how is it used? Well if films didn’t have distributors then none of us would even have a clue about the latest film that comes out, imagine that, not even having a clue about films, they would be made and then we wouldn’t have a clue about them, I’m surprised they don’t have a donation service for the hard grafting that they do in distributing the films.
Distributors have to make films reach even the trickiest of audiences, so next time you are whining that you don’t like a film, get over it and find another one! No, only joking, maybe it hasn’t been distributed aswell as another film that would tickle your pickle.


Did you know that most films don’t actually make the full amount back that it costs to make the film just by putting it in the cinemas, that’s right! The majority of films make the money back on the merchandise, for example, high school musical, you boys may think its just a stupid film that’s full of crappy singing, but in reality the film company doesn’t care that it doesn’t appeal to the majority of boys, they make more than enough money back on the merchandise that is sold, to entertain fans!


Distributors use junkits, no I didn’t say drumkits. A Junkit, is when press are sent in to the film company, and this is when they find everything they can about the film, in order for the film to be advertised to you, so it entices you in to wanting to watch it.
How many times do you complain whenever adverts come on the tv, or theres adverts in a magazine? Well DON’T! if there wasn’t adverts, you wouldn’t know about anything and you would become dumb and there would be no point to you. Just kidding, but they are damn important to life!


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