Sunday 1 March 2009

AOB1 - The Exorcist

The Exorcist is about a little girl who is possessed by a demon and a mother who is desperate to get her daughter back normal, through an exorcism conducted by two priests.
People regarded this as the scariest film that has been ever made, when this was released in the cinema, people were found to be fainting and throwing up. even today, when this film is compared with other films, this film is most likely the scariest.
a large feature of scary films is that some are based on true stories, like this one.
The audience were hooked to watching it, they couldnt believe that what they were watching really happened to somebody, a 14 year old boy to be precise, this happened in 1949.

This film is one of the most profitable films of all time with $402, 500, 000 gross worldwide; People even queued for hours and hours, in order to watch the film, because it was hit! simply because it lived up to the horror expectation in alot of ways.
Cinemas had to provide sick bags to every viewer as the special effects at the time were so disgusting that people spewed up at the sight of them.
if a similar storyline comes out, similar to this, where people have messed with spirits etc, i feel that it would still be seen as really scary, simply because not many people know the true story about what happens when this is messed with, so it leaves alot upto the imagination, this is a very scary and shakey subject to be looking at.

There are stories which claim the film was cursed, and there were problems with certain parts on the set, such as a fire breaking out, everywhere but the bedroom of Chris Macneil, so it had to be rebuilt.
it has also been claimed that a priest was brought in numerous times to bless the set from any bad spirits.

There are so many different points of views about this film, some people feel this film is a very well constructed horror film. but some people felt that censorships should have been used, because of the amount of graphic scenes that made people pass out/throw up within this film.
some people also feel that this film shouldnt have ever been made, because of the amount of spirtuality thats used within it.
I feel that the call for regulation today is alot less needed, than it was back in the day, simply because of the amount of horror films that are around, people have become so desensitized to everything, they feel that nothing is as graphic, as the creator had hoped.

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